d3 - Hierarchical Pie


For actual use you will need those libraries:


For simple usage without bothering with customizing code you will need those:

var defaults = {
  //quite obvious ones
  width             : 400,
  height            : 250,

  //id of chart, for d3
  chartId           : null,

  //data to be presented
  data              : null,

  //css selector with legend
  legendContainer   : null,

  //difference between pie radius with and without mouse hover
  hoverRadiusDiff   : 10,

  //css selector with navigation panel
  navigation        : null,

  //determine if navigation panel should be hidden when showing root
  hideNavOnRoot     : true,

  //schema of provided data; allows to customize chart, not the data source
  dataSchema        : {
    idField       : 'id_category',
    valueField    : 'cost',
    childrenField : 'categories'

  //customizing animations - easings and durations
  hoverPieAnimation : {
    easing   : "elastic",
    duration : 1000
  focusAnimation : {
    easing   : "easeInOutQuart",
    duration : 100